Almost four years ago, I received an email from a young woman in Pennsylvania who apologized for being so bold by asking if I would consider being her pen pal. She said she would love to “sit at my side” and learn from my years of experience in marriage, family, parenting, spirituality, friendships, etc. She had been following us in our 48 Days community for quite some time and felt nudged to ask me to mentor her through hand-written letters via snail mail. She had no idea how I would respond but she took the leap and asked. And she had no idea how delighted I was to receive her letter. I love to write. I love to write in longhand. To hold a favorite pen in hand and painstakingly write the old-fashioned way. To me it is a form of art and one I hate to see fading into the distant past. Claudia felt the same. She, like me, is an artist. She is so creative it boggles me. I don’t know how she manages to do all she does while gently guiding two young toddlers in her everyday life, juggling a fledgling home-based business with her sweet husband and having an active social life.
So for four years Claudia and I have been writing epistles back and forth at least once a month. Our letters are usually 8-10 pages long. Full of questions asked and questions answered. Thoughts, comments and observations…and sometimes a few drawings to illustrate a point or simply just to decorate.
I am honored Claudia asked me to be her pen-pal. I am thrilled she felt I could teach her something valuable from my years of experience. You see, that’s how I learned. I knew I didn’t want to emulate past experiences from my home life growing up. So I actively and intentionally sought out other people to teach me how to create a Haven of Peace…a loving home and loving relationships. I am very humbled to be asked to pass it forward to others and I take that very seriously.
This week I finally got to meet Claudia and her husband, Michael Good, face-to-face. I felt like they were family because of all our letters but it was wonderful to actually meet and talk in person. They flew to Nashville and stayed with us for several days. It was a delightful experience and I will have to say, they both lived up to my expectations and much more. They are a very special couple. Their creativity, sense of adventure, love of learning and exploring will enrich their lives and one day they will be passing forward to a younger generation all they have learned from a rich, full life.
Never underestimate who is watching you. Never think that your mark in this world is insignificant. You would be surprised who is watching and what you say to them in words and in actions can help change your world and theirs. Claudia has blessed me in so many ways. I know she would say the same about me. It is a win-win when you are helping others grow. I am grateful she was bold enough to ask me to participate in her life.
Whose life are you speaking into? Sowing into the lives of others is helping to change the world one person at a time. One family at a time.
Archie Winningham says
I love your post, Ms. Joanne, for several reasons. But the one thing that really stands out about you and your post is your consistently lifting others up. And from what I’ve seen, the world is literally starving for encouragement. Thank you for that. Keep being you, because YOU, are awesome!
Joanne Miller says
Archie, I believe we are all called to lift up others and to love them. It’s a pretty simple philosophy of life that pays off in amazing relationships. Thank you for your sweet comment. Bless you
Theresa Lode says
Great post, Joanne! And yes, you are indeed a master for an art form that is disappearing because of email. I am enjoying your book, btw. Wonderful stuff!
Love from sunny AZ, Theresa
Joanne Miller says
Thanks, Theresa. Glad you like the book. I miss our talks and how we could change the outcome of the world’s problems just over a cuppa! Bless you, jfm
Ashley Logsdon says
Love it – I appreciate your love for writing and that you passed that on to your children. If only you’d passed on your beautiful penmanship! 😉 It was a pleasure meeting Claudia and Michael as well, and to once again see how your love and generosity speaks into others’ lives. You truly create a safe haven even in friendship.
Joanne Miller says
Aww..That’s sweet, Ashley. Thanks so much for the sweet words. By the way, you are very creative and you can learn to have better penmanship if you wanted to take the time. I did that early on. I wanted my writing to be artistic and pretty so I worked on it. Anyone can. Just takes a desire and lots of practice. Unfortunately these days practically no one writes longhand anymore. So sad. Love you,
Karen ODonnell says
Joanne….thank you for your post and for YOU >…. what comes simple and natural for you >> is life-changing for another. You are a natural uplifter and natural nurturer, not just for your family but to all who cross your path. I thank you for the tremendous value you have added to my life from the first day I met you on your porch at the Sanctuary when you reminded me that I am a creative. That reminder has had a ripple effect on the people I touch. As a single person, your insights have made a difference in my home! Many tips for family, totally apply for me as well. I love the way you address the senses…..I always like to have music playing at home and have it smell nice, Now, after reading your book “Creating a Haven of Peace”coincidentally, I have made changes in my home (apartment) directly related to creating my Haven of Peace. From new living room window blinds (top down, bottom up > tremendous privacy, calmness and comfort) to a new bed just yesterday, to rearranging furniture. Ok that is more than a comment about your current blog, it is a testimony to the kindness and generosity of your heart and your willingness to ‘sit at our sides’ to share your wisdom of love >> including self-love! I thank you, I appreciate you, I love you!
Joanne Miller says
Wow! I am very moved by your comment, Karen. I am honored and blessed to have spoken into your life. What stands out to me most is that you “get it” and don’t feel my message doesn’t apply to you as a single person. ANYONE can have a Haven of Peace. And I believe everyone wants it. We all suffer from stress, chaos, too much busyness and activity and just being exhausted. A place to come home to, be it a mansion or a trailer, that invites one to relax, be calm, soak in peace and love… is the desire for all of us no matter our status in life or our circumstances. Thank you for this very poignant and sweet note. I will cherish it. Blessings to you, and much love, my friend.
Claudia Good says
Now I’m crying! So blessed by you and our friendship. I just couldn’t believe you said yes!! What a fun journey we have had so far and will continue to have.
You write an incredible story of how much we humans affect other humans. How much we can encourage, whisper new perspectives, and lift spirits simply by saying yes to a few words scribbled on paper… and put in an envelope with a stamp.
I am endlessly thankful!
A big hug!
Joanne Miller says
It is my honor to call you “daughter” Claudia. I heard someone say today, “The answer is always no unless you ask….” I’m so glad you asked. Love you and am grateful for you.
Holly says
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story, Joanne. And this important reminder – “Never underestimate who is watching you. Never think that your mark in this world is insignificant.” Our tiniest and most “insignificant” actions can leave a lasting impact.
You are truly incredible and set an amazing example for all of the women who know you. Thanks for all you do!
Joanne Miller says
Holly, I have often heard our daughter, Ashley, say, “You may be the only Bible another person reads.” and I think that is so true. Our actions often speak much louder than our words. To think that we can impact others through living with integrity, love and peace is a sure-fire way to begin changing the world one person at a time. Thanks for your sweet comment.