My commitment to myself for 2021 was to be more thankful and remember to thank those who have impacted me on some level…in the past and in the present.
Our daughter, Ashley, recently sent a short, six minute, TED talk video to the family titled Leading with Lollipops. It was a few days before I was able to sit down and listen to it…and I am so glad I did.
We’ve made leadership about changing the world. And there is no world – there’s only six billion understandings of it. And if you change one person’s understanding of it, one person’s understanding of what they’re capable of, one person’s understanding of how much people care about them, one person’s understanding of how powerful an agent for change they can be in this world, you change the whole thing.
– Drew Dudley, TEDx Toronto
It made me think of Melanie Jackson, the artist who convinced me I could draw…that I had more inside me than I thought I did. I’m glad I listened to her. It made me think of so many who have impacted my life through the years and I had to ask myself if there is someone else I need to thank.
How many “Lollipop moments” have I encountered through all these decades of my life?
In our Sanctuary Sessions Art group, we encourage and share generously. I am so grateful for that and so proud of all of you. I wonder if you know how much you impact the lives of those around you. How often have you sown into someone’s life and been thanked much later, and you didn’t even realize the impact you had. How often has someone said or done something that changed you?
All of us are leaders whether we think we are or not.
Often the opportunities we have to encourage, enlighten, offer support and a listening ear, are game-changers for the recipient. I am thrilled when we get someone new into the art group who is not only warmly welcomed, but quickly has a multitude of teachers and encouragers to welcome them into the “family”.
I hope you will take a moment….six minutes…and watch this TED talk. You never know when a Lollipop moment will come your way. Be vigilant.
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