Probably the nicest, most impacting gift I ever received from my husband was for our 48th anniversary. He gifted me with a beautifully designed leather-bound journal that he had been writing in for a year. For a solid year, every day, he noted something he loved about me. He wrote just inside the ...continue reading
Just BE Love!
Fifty years ago tomorrow (March 23, 1968) there was an unseasonably sudden ice storm in Mansfield, Ohio. Then it snowed, which made for a treacherous beauty if you were on the highway. A good time to stay home and off the roads. However, I had to get to the church. I was getting married. It ...continue reading
What’s The Big Picture?
Dan and I are continually asked how we lived through the roller coaster journey of the entrepreneurial home. How did our marriage survive? I have always tried to be honest and open about the struggles and setbacks, the highs and the lows. I don’t want to paint a Pollyanna picture of everything ...continue reading
Check Your Timing Belt Today!
It’s the little things that make the bigger things function. If you are driving a car and the timing belt goes out, that big hunk of metal you depended on daily becomes a boat anchor, totally useless. Just a little chain. Just a little oil. Just a little spark plug. It’s the little things that ...continue reading
That’s Not LOVE!
It seems the world has a very convoluted idea of the definition of love. We confess our love for one another in a relationship and make a commitment to love one another "till death do us part" if we go through a traditional wedding ceremony. We make a covenant to one another that our love will be ...continue reading