We have a new phrase around our house that creates all kinds of giggles and imaginative responses. “What if it were possible?” My granddaughter Clara and I wrote a book with that title and, being top of mind for us, we often find ourselves asking, “What if it were possible to do this?” “What if it were possible to create this?” The whole family is joining in the fun.
My favorite magazine is Writer’s Digest. In this month’s issue, I found a word I will adopt in my own vocabulary. Possibilitate: To render possible (early 19th century derivation). I love the sound of it. But I especially love the….well…..the possibilities!
What if it were possible for a dog to climb a tree?
What if it were possible to climb like you and me?
What if pretty butterflies could spread their wings and swim?
And elephants could wear their trunks while working out at gyms?
Anything can happen if you think it might.
In your imagination, anything is right!
“Anything can happen if you think it might” opens up amazing possibilities. Do you want a more intimate relationship? Do you want to garner respect from others? Do you want to create a Haven of Peace that others want to emulate and that your children know, without doubt, is a Sanctuary for them and their friends? Do you believe it’s possible? If you don’t, it probably won’t happen.
I have discovered that any time I say “I can’t do that!” it is more likely I don’t want to do it! I simply don’t want to work that hard. Sometimes pushing through even the hardest tasks increases self-confidence and strength that passing the opportunity would never bring. If I hadn’t been willing to spend years intentionally creating a haven of peace, it wouldn’t have developed on its own.
If I hadn’t persevered through writing my first children’s book, I would never have had the joy of being the author of five fun books that my grandchildren love to hear over and over. I would not have written two grown-up books and become a speaker and mentor to so many. But I had topossibilitate it all. I had to render it possible. And, admittedly, I had to do a lot of self-talk to push through to the end result…even shed a few tears.
You have often heard it said that anything worth pursuing is worth the work it takes. While I believe that to be very true, I am a realist and know that many things worth pursuing are not easy. It takes intentionality and effort. Setting goals for your marriage, family and home are essential to growing healthy relationships and a loving home. Those things don’t just happen on their own. Just a few action tips will get you started:
- Be Kind
- Be Polite
- Be Thoughtful
- Serve Others
- Be love
- Possibilitate
What if it were possible to create a home in love
where peace and joy fall from your lips like raindrops from above
What if it were possible to create a home that’s safe
Where words and deeds are kind and sweet and never ever chafe
Where fear and hate ne’er enter
Where only love resides
What if it were possible, you looked through Jesus’ eyes?
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